Top 3 tips for productivity

My Top 3 Tips On Productivity

Last Updated: February 20, 2024By Tags: ,

Mindset tips - Top 3 tips for productivity for entrepreneurs

Improving your productivity is really the key to accomplishing any goal you may have in both your life and your career –at least that’s what I have experienced firsthand in our journey with my partner as entrepreneurs and artists.

So, these are the 3 SIMPLE PRODUCTIVITY TIPS that have made a real difference in improving our performance on a daily basis:

1) Start your day with a success plan 🗓️

This is a way better version than a To Do list because it is meant to give you intention and clarity on what to focus on.

To create your success plan you only need a notebook and divide each page into 4 parts as follows (you can also see it in my notebook’s image below):

  1. Write down your MAIN INTENTIONS for the DAY (no more than 3)

  2. List the TO DOs that can get you to accomplish those intentions (no more than 10 things)

  3. Select the TOP 3 things (the 3 things you’ll do first because you know they’ll move you faster towards your intentions).

  4. Establish your schedule for the day.

The best way to work with your success plan is by having it ready before the day begins so you start your day with a clear INTENTION and PURPOSE.

Mindset Tips - 3 productivity tips for entrepreneurs Daily planner

2) Move around every 45-50 minutes🚶‍♂️

This may seem so obvious… and it is!

However, we usually forget about the importance of moving our body, especially when we are involved in deep-focus creative work.

What happens is that when we are sitting down for a long period of time our energy gets stagnant, so it’s really important to get up and move around in order to recharge the energy in our body and keep the amazing ideas coming to our mind!

3) Start your day working out 🏋️‍♀️

We usually work out early in the morning between 6 am-7 am because we found over the years that it is the best way to energize the body and mind to start the day right.

Even if a workout for you means going for a walk or a gentle jog… it really helps your body to wake up and get your cells oxygenated for the day.

I know you might be thinking….

There’s nothing special here, these 3 tips ARE super SIMPLE!

YES, THEY ARE SIMPLE! But very often, the greatest truths in life are, right?

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