
How to gain momentum in your life

Last Updated: February 20, 2024By Tags:

I want to share a few thoughts with you…

Let’s be honest.

Nothing is going to happen until you TAKE ACTION and start gaining MOMENTUM.

I’m sure you know of some people that always wanted to do something big or different in their life and career…

But they ended up NOT doing it, because – before even trying – they decided in their heads that it may entail too much risk or complications… and made up lots of excuses to justify that decision.

Sounds familiar?

I’ve done it a thousand times! And I guess you too.


Thinking and assessing carefully the next move and goal in our lives is perfectly fine.

We need to do it in order to understand if it’s a good decision or not and start moving in that direction in a responsible way.

However, there’s a catch!

Going over it again and again in our mind creates a constant loop of thoughts that generate more doubts and even block us, rather than help us to gain more clarity.

The key is to balance thought and action.

It’s important to gain mental clarity about WHERE you want to GO.

But at the same time, there comes a point when you must take ACTION to move in the direction you want to go.

By taking real and continuous ACTION to achieve a goal – even if you have doubts about it – you gain MOMENTUM and you acquire an INTELLIGENCE that thinking alone cannot give you.

It doesn’t matter at what stage of your life or career you are now.

If you want to start moving towards your most desired goals, don’t spend too much time in your head. Think about it, but not too much.

Take the risk. Go and do THAT thing! Even if it scares you.

Take action

Make mistakes

Learn from them and…

Let the best version of yourself flourish!

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Nulla turp dis cursus. Integer liberos  euismod pretium faucibua

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