
This powerful combination will ignite your life and your career like never before

Last Updated: February 20, 2024By Tags: ,

Today I want to share with you how creating total synergy between your goals and your daily habits can help you gain momentum to move faster and more efficiently towards your dreams.

You may already know that taking action is a fundamental phase in your path toward your dreams because it gives you a better understanding of which is the most appropriate direction to fulfill your goals.

BUT equally important in this process is to gain CLARITY as soon as possible about what is it that you’d like to accomplish.

And the daily actions that you are going to take in order to support that journey on a daily basis.

I’m talking about TWO key pieces in any process of personal growth:

  1. Setting GOALS

  2. Implementing HABITS

When you achieve TOTAL ALIGNMENT between your goals and your habits, you start advancing in your life in a very powerful way.

Because in this equation:

  1. Your goals serve you to visualize the future, where you want to go to.

  2. Your habits speak of the present, those real daily steps you must take to go in that specific direction.

So, when you are able to align perfectly what you are doing every single day with what is it that you visualize to achieve, you build MOMENTUM, forward movement towards your vision. 

And that makes you unstoppable and able to get to your goals faster than you ever imagined.

BUT what is more important, achieving a change/goal or living with it?

The answer is both!

You want to achieve changes in your life by setting clear goals, but you also want to mantain them through the daily habits that you acquire.

Just as an example of this, in my case years ago, I set a goal to improve my physical endurance and participate in several 10k races.

After months of training, I achieved this goal!

BUT what is more important than that is what remained afterward…

The HABIT of running a few minutes every day as part of my morning routine because it elevates my vibrational state and gives me energy to start the day.

Because this is the key concept:

Goals serve to create good habits and, in turn, good habits are key to meeting your goals.

AND both elements working in unison are extremely potent for anything you’d like to achieve in your life…

Setting yourself up for success.

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