
Be in pursuit of your potential

Last Updated: February 20, 2024By Tags: ,

When I sat down today to write this post, blank paper ahead of me, this powerful quote from Abraham Maslow came to my mind:

What a man can be, he must be. This need we call it self-actualization. – Abraham Maslow

Maslow defined self-actualization as the process through which you become everything you are capable of becoming, unfolding in the process your true potential and uncovering the best version of yourself.

I know you may have read about this a thousand times already…

However, I believe it is never too much to be reminded once again –and I’m including myself here of course!– that we are experiencing this life because we are meant to self-actualize bringing into the world our most authentic self through pursuing our true potential.

And, what does it look like to be in pursuit of your potential?

For the longest time, I believed that pursuing my potential was about winning and succeeding.

I JUST associated accomplishments with my potential.

BUT over time I understood that being in pursuit of your potential is NOT necessarily an estimation of what you are capable of accomplishing in your lifetime,

It’s NOT about productivity but rather…


It’s understanding what is it that you truly desire in your heart and…


It’s going OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and embracing every step of the way –especially the steps that really suck!– to become the person you’re meant to be in this life.

And who you become in this journey of self-discovery and awakening is literally what being in pursuit of your potential is about.

So it doesn’t really have a final destination.

Being in pursuit of your potential is about being brave enough to keep self-actualizing and pursuing what energizes you every day and gives you a sense of inner contentment that makes you light up the world around you because you’re just being the best version of yourself at that moment.

But what does a person who is in pursuit of their potential really look like?

It’s quite simple actually…

It’s an artist who has never made a profit from their art, but they still paint because it is fulfilling and make them happy.

It’s a woman who finds joy in the simple fact of writing emails to her beloved community of composers 😜

It’s a father who gets a sense of purpose from raising his children to be a positive force in the world.

It’s an employee who uses her ever-increasing skills to improve the lives of others.

It’s a music teacher who lights up when he’s sharing with his students the tremendous power of music as a way to convey and express emotions.

AND yes….

It’s a composer who wakes up in the morning with the urge to compose music just for the very joy of it. Just because it makes them feel whole and accomplished every time they create new melodies for the world to enjoy, even if that world is just their loved ones.

There are a million other examples of what being in pursuit of your potential look like in your daily life…

So now is your turn… I’d love to know about you.

Are you in pursuit of your potential?

Please, respond to this post sharing your thoughts.

I’d love to know about your story 💖 We’re all together on this journey.

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