
It’s your responsibility to make your dreams come true

Last Updated: February 20, 2024By Tags:

I’d like to share with you two key questions I usually ask myself when I’m feeling down or in a moment where my self-doubts and fears are blocking me in any way.

If my life ended today…

What ideas, dreams, talents and gifts that I have, will end the day that I am gone?

How would I feel in my deathbed knowing that I could’ve make them happen but I found excuses to not even try?

And when I usually ask myself these profound questions… all the sudden I remember something that in our day to day life usually gets buried under all our responsibilities, and urgencies.

Your dreams came to you for a reason. And that reason is to give them life.

To fight for them and make them come true.

That’s where your true purpose in this life resides. The key reason why you are here.

You were born to share your talents and your gifts with the world.

Your dreams hold inside the journey you must take on to develop those talents and gifts and become in the process the best version of yourself.

You were born to uplift humanity in your most unique and special way.

And it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to progress and evolve in your life and get past your self-limitations and obstacles in order to make your dreams come true.

Because it is in that journey when you start uncovering your true self, WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and start living in a place of fulfillment day after day.

I know that this message may sound very simple and you might have heard it a thousand times before!

But the truth is that it really is complicated to lead a life based on making your dreams come true.. I know it firsthand because I myself can’t do it sometimes.

That’s why I developed this habit of going back to these profound questions above – whenever I need the encouragement to move forward – and stop for a moment to reflect on the answers my heart whispers.

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